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The catalogue is for retailers only.
To request access, please contact us and tell us about your business.
The Inuit of Nunavik (Northern Quebec) have a rich artistic tradition that is admired by enthusiasts the world over. Through their art and imagination, Inuit artists offer us glimpses of their traditions, beliefs and legends.
Since 1967 La Fédération des coopératives du Nouveau-Québec, through its marketing agency Art Nunavik, has been promoting art produced by artists living in Nunavik communities. Whether you are a seasoned collector, contemplating retailing Inuit art or simply interested in world art, we invite you to discover the art of Nunavik.
The catalogue is for retailers only.
To request access, please contact us and tell us about your business.
Are you a collector or looking for a unique, handmade, 100% Canadian gift for that person who has everything? Here are the galleries and shops that carry Inuit art from Nunavik!
Art Nunavik will be attending the Toronto Gift+Home Market from January 26 to 30, 2025!
Art Nunavik does not sell directly to the public.
Top sculpture: Lucassie Echalook, Inukjuak.
Title: “This woman caught a fish, a very big fish, and
is happy as she will bring it to her family."